
Cannes Lions 2021 – Special Awards. E Publicis Italy Milan c’è

Holding Company of the Festival 2020/21

  1. WPP
  2. Omnicom
  3. Interpublic Group

Network of the Festival 2020/21

  1. FCB
  2. Ogilvy
  3. BBDO Worldwide

Agency of the Festival 2020/21

  1. AMV BBDO, London, UK
  2. Publicis Italy, Milan, Italy
  3. FCB Chicago, USA

Independent Agency of the Festival 2020/21

  1. Wieden+Kennedy, Portland, USA
  2. The Bloc, New York, USA
  3. Rethink, Toronto, Canada

Palme D’Or 2020/21

  1. Chelsea Pictures, USA
  2. Pulse Films, USA
  3. Division, France
  4. Smuggler, USA
  5. Prettybird, USA

Creative brand of the Festival 2020/21

  1. Burger King
  2. Bodyform/Libresse
  3. Dove

Agency of the Festival by track 2020/21 – Communication

Publicis Italy, Milan, Italy

Agency of the Festival by track 2020/21 – Craft

AMV BBDO, London, UK

Agency of the Festival by track 2020/21 – Entertainment

72andSunny, Los Angeles, USA

Agency of the Festival by track 2020/21 – Experience

McCANN, New York, USA

Agency of the Festival by track 2020/21 – Good

VMLY&R Brazil, São Paulo, Brazil

Agency of the Festival by track 2020/21 – Reach

FCB Chicago, USA

Independent Agency of the Festival by track 2020/21 – Communication

Wieden+Kennedy, Portland, USA

Independent Agency of the Festival by track 2020/21 – Craft

Work & Co, New York, USA

Independent Agency of the Festival by track 2020/21 – Entertainment

=1. Edelman, London, UK

=1. GUT, São Paulo, Brazil

Independent Agency of the Festival by track 2020/21 – Experience

Uncommon, London, UK

Independent Agency of the Festival by track 2020/21 – Good

FARM, Stockholm, Sweden

Independent Agency of the Festival by track 2020/21 – Reach

GUT, Miami, USA

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