
RECMA The Overall Activity Volume report 2020 – Analizzati 70 Paesi e 950 sigle. +50% per le attività non tradizionali. OMD prima agenzia, GroupM al top tra i gruppi

The Overall Activity Volume report stands as the reference quantitative ranking based on the yearly media spends in both traditional and non-traditional media. This metric includes both traditional buying billings and non-traditional activities which include online paid media and fee-based activities on digital, data & analytics, content, marketing, sponsoring.

Global Findings 

– Overall, the media agency industry shows a slight decrease in 2020: -3,4% vs +5,2% in 19/18 and +7,1% in 18/17.

– In 2020, traditional adspends have decreased by 10% whereas the share of non- traditional activity increased to 50% from 46% – the share of non-traditional activity varies greatly from one market to another, ranging in the Top16 markets from 75% in China to 27% in South Africa.

– OMD is still ranked #1 agency globally followed by Mindshare and Carat at par at rank #2. Starcom moved up to rank #5 and joined the Top 5 ranking.

– At a Group level: GroupM keeps the crown, followed by Publicis Media and OMG.

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