
A proposito di creatività, Domenico Vitale/PI&C dice la sua. E lo fa al TEDxBergamo, perché quella contemporanea deve osare, abbattere muri, fidarsi sorridere e far sorridere. Qui un assaggio del suo speach

It’s time to dream

We live in an age where everything is possible and yet we don’t dare to try it.  We live in an age where technology brings us together and yet we erect walls to protect us.  We could dream anything and yet we are deep asleep. 

Today, dreamers have been replaced by bureaucrats and process thinkers – bean counters and data managers.  Which leaves us with no way out of the status quo.  No place to make a leap to progress again.

 History teaches us that only dreamers make a difference.  Only those who dare to believe in the impossible.  Those who rebel from the norm and refuse to not try.

 Creativity at its purest is not magic.  It is not a strange form of alchemy.  It is exclusively a way to re-immagine.  It is a way to let your dreams take shape for yourself and for the world at large.

There is still so much to re-think and move forward.  From the environment to poverty, from migration to justice, from the yet unsatisfied potential of women to a fairer society. All issues that can only be solved if we dare to dream again“.


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