
Gerety Awards, ecco i vincitori 2023. Per l’Italia, DDB, DLV BBDO e Dentsu Creative

La Giuria quest’anno ha assegnato 4 Grand Prix, 27 Gold, 69 Silver, 65 Bronze, con 159 progetti entrati in shortlist.

I Grand Prix

Grand Prix for Alternative media in the Innovation Cut: The First Digital Nation for The Government of Tuvalu, by The Monkeys, part of Accenture Song

Grand Prix for Integrated Campaign in the Experience Cut: See My Skin,  Vaseline Healing Jelly for Unilever by Edelman

Grand Prix for Strategy in the Work For Good Cut: Where To Settle for Mastercard by McCann Warsaw

Grand Prix for Integrated Campaign in the Humour Cut: Apologize the Rainbow for Skittles by DDB Chicago.

Globalmente, la campagna più premiata è stata ‘The Glitch’ per Alzheimer Forschung Initiative by BBDO Germany, che si è aggiudicata 3 Gold, 3 Silver e un Bronze. Il brand più premiato, McDonald’s.

Per l’Italia hanno spiccato DDB per IKEA e Bennet; DLV BBDO con The Sign Dance per l’Ente Nazionale Sordi e Dentsu Creative Italy con ‘Forza Canada’ – Fonzies.

Gerety 2023 Full Winners List by Country