
Cannes Lions 018/21. Il Grand Prix for Good vola in Australia con ALS. Palau Pledge, dopo il Grand Prix Direct, trionfa nei nuovi Sustainable Development Goals e si aggiudica pure il Titanium. Bronzo per DDB/Ikea

Il Grand Prix for Good 2018, che va a lavori no profit e viene scelto tra tutti gli Ori vinti da charity, va all’australiana The ALS Association con la campagna Project Revoice creata da BWM Dentsu Sydney. Un’iniziativa per aiutare questi malati, compreso il founder dell’Ice Bucket challenge, ad avere voce.

Nei Sustainable Development Goals, GRUPPO DDB ITALIA si aggiudica un Bronzo con The Room/Ikea Italy.

Il Grand Prix va a Palau Pledge, già Grand Prix Direct, che vince anche il Titanium (Client Palau Legacy Project – Agency Host/Havas Sydney)

Visitors to Palau are encouraged to sign the pledge at immigration, promising to protect and preserve the nation’s ecosystem for future generations.

Sustainable Development Goals Lions Winners

The Sustainable Development Goals Lions celebrate creative problem solving, solutions or other initiatives that harness creativity and seek to positively impact the world. Entries will need to demonstrate how they contributed to or advanced the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development across people, planet and prosperity.