
Discover Unsilenced, a collaboration between the French-American electro band Haute (who composed the music) and the English dancer Billy Read (who wrote the lyrics and interpreted them in the music video)

All black and white, the video is visually striking, featuring Billy’s expressive and emotional dance style as he moves with the instrumental tunes to the backdrop of the Olympiades neighborhood in Paris. The video was directed by Alban Coret from Insurrection films.

Billy is deaf and is sign-singing the lyrics, that he wrote by using his sense of touch to feel the rhythm of the music. Said of the dance: “The hardest part of performing Unsilenced was that my hands were singing while my feet were listening for the beat”.

BETC Paris and non-profit La Parole aux Sourds (A Microphone for the Deaf) are behind the project, that continues on, an interactive website that lets the viewer discover the lyrics to the song, and those who wish can make a donation to support the work of the organization and their work to build bridges between the deaf and the hearing community.
